5 Components of the Gonstead technique

Why make a decision concerning someone’s health with anything less than ALL of the available information? Every patient deserves to have correlated analysis in their clinical picture to ensure the highest level of chiropractic care in Mason City IA. This will ensure specificity and ultimately patient confidence in the doctor’s ability with care.
Not one thing is certain which is why we use Visualization, Instrumentation, Palpation, X-Ray, and patient symptoms to determine the exact spot that we need to adjust a patient. When all of these correlate we are more likely to give the patient a specific adjustment. The greater the specificity, the greater the change we will notice in the patient’s health. Dr. Gonstead noted that three adjustments on the wrong vertebral segment could cause a Subluxation; therefore it is extremely important to be as specific as possible.
The five criteria listed below allow Dr. Scott Redman to determine what and how to correct each patient's Subluxation specific to their needs.
Digital X-ray enables your chiropractor to visualize your entire spine and not only look at important postural problems but also to come up with the most specific line of drive for the correction of any segmental problems known as Vertebral Subluxations. The Gonstead chiropractor can also rule out abnormal pathologies congenital anomalies, and sub-clinical fractures; You should ask yourself when getting examined, is the doctor utilizing the films on every visit? Is the doctor doing a chiropractic analysis of the films? We have a saying in the chiropractic profession: To see is to know; not to see is to guess, and we won’t guess with your health.
Both Static and Motion Palpation are utilized in Gonstead Chiropractic to precisely pinpoint areas of involvement. Motion Palpation is utilized to determine how a segment moves and if there is a restriction to the motion of a specific segment of the spine. Static Palpation is used to determine conditions occurring under the skin. Findings of swelling, tenderness over bones, texture changes in the skin, and even tightness of muscles give Dr. Redman the knowledge of the condition resulting from your subluxation.
Dr. Redman uses a Delta-T or Nervo-Scope, which shows the exact location of the subluxation. The Scope, which takes a temperature reading, helps find injury because where there is an injury we find inflammation, and where there is inflammation we find an increase in temperature.
We take into account all the information we can get from the patient by simply looking at them very carefully. In the Gonstead System Visualization starts from the moment the patient walks in the door. Differences in height between the ears, shoulders, and hips as well as posture and gait are useful to confirm your X-Ray and Palpation findings. Just looking at a patient could reveal some telling criteria, including overall posture, spastic muscles, increase blood flow, and more.
CASE MANAGEMENT (Symptomatology)
Although never used in a “cookbook” fashion, understanding problems with a patient’s health help us determine the area that a patient needs to be adjusted. Symptoms can help separate the two parts of the Autonomic Nervous System (Sympathetic and Parasympathetic) and aid us in applying a specific adjustment
Dr. Scott Redman uses the above criteria to accurately locate the problem. The adjustment only focuses on the causative bones that are subluxated. This specificity and precision of the adjustment is less forceful to the patient to allow them to get better quicker.
Dr. Gonstead postulated that when the Parallel Disc relationship is compromised by vertebral misalignment the pivot point of the nucleus pulposus is compressed and puts pressure against the surrounding annular fibers damaging them.
This tissue damage creates an inflammatory response causing the disc to expand, and it is this expansion that puts pressure on the nerves in a given intervertebral foramen resulting in neurological dysfunction.
The Gonstead system says for this reason that subluxations begin at the disc, it is important to understand the stages of degeneration so as to visualize what adjusting direction and force must be applied for correction.
In the spine intervertebral discs act as both a protective cushion allowing for flexibility as well as a supportive coupling between vertebral bodies to ensure a normal and healthy range of motion.
The Nucleus Pulposus is the dense central mass that holds fluids and nutrients and functions as a pivot point or “ball bearing” during the movement of a vertebral couple. The Annulus Fibrosis is the outlying layers of fibrocartilage and collengenous fibers, much the “rings” observed in a cross-section of a tree trunk. The Annulus is anchored to the cartilaginous endplates of adjacent vertebral bodies.
Dr. Gonstead’s Level Disc Theory states that “anatomically and physiologically normal discs will allow the vertebral bodies to assume their optimum relationships”. This is observed when the vertical height of a vertebral couple is uniform 360º around with the vertebral bodies in line. This relationship is known as “Parallel Discs” and allows for equal weight-bearing, adequate nutrient supply, and optimal joint function and movement in the spine.
8:00am - 10:30am
12:00pm - 5:00pm
8:00am - 10:30am
12:00pm - 5:30pm
8:00am - 10:30am
12:00pm - 5:00pm
8:00am - 10:30am
12:00pm - 6:30pm
7:00am - 10:30am
12:00pm - 3:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
Align Health Chiropractic
2013 4th St SW
Mason City, IA 50401